Teen Commits Suicide - Megan Ron and Tina Meier
Monday, November 19, 2007
So if you haven't heard this story by now, you haven't had a bleeding heart in awhile.
The problem I have with this?
I just saw the parents of this girl on MSNBC her father and mother (who have now split up) made statements such as:
Ron: "We monitored her internet use every second she was on, except during this last exchange that ended in her suicide"
Oh really? Every second eh? That's such a disingenuous statement. So you mean to tell me this is a "one time slip up" on your part? I just don't buy it, bro! Just like I don't buy people caught doing anything 'the first time'. Not crooked auto dealers, not thief's, not anybody and certainly not an absentee parent. I do not buy that you were amazing parents, who were over her shoulder all the time making sure she wasn't being an emotionally needy 13 year old female, who couldn't take a joke.
I hate to point fingers but...maybe, just maybe if you raised the child, validated that child, instilled morals and rational thought into that child instead of letting her have a myspace account to 'talk to hot boys and stuff' she wouldn't have ended up in a closet, on a rope. Maybe if you didn't let her get so involved in her own vanity it wouldn't have happened. Oh, who am I though?
I know it seems heartless, that's because it is. People are saying we need internet laws for people who 'cyber bully'. You have to be kidding me.
Listen people, I'm only going to say this once and I want you to understand exactly what I'm saying. If you allow your child to get online, if you allow that child to get so wrapped up in the opinions of other people because you're too worried about trying to find a secretary to fuck you during your meaningless day job or you're pissed at your husband for fucking his new secretary or whatever reason you're giving now. If you allow this CHILD to get online and be involved in an active social networking site, YOU are ultimately responsible for the outcome of the site. Not a person saying 'something mean' to your kid. If you raised a balanced, intelligent, worthwhile child you wouldn't have to worry about him/her deciding to kill him/herself because of a 2 sentence comment calling him/her a shitbag.
It's pretty simple? I guess that's why we in America can't possibly understand this concept. It's far too simple. We'd rather pass legislature against people saying mean things than actually be better parents. More receptive parents, or raise children to actually use their intelligence and be rational people. Nope, just pass a law. That'll show 'em.
Edit Starts For the Hate Mail
I'm not justifying the actions of the parents who sent the vile messages to the girl. I think it's disgusting that they would do such a thing however, I contend that they did nothing illegal. Morally bankrupt and illegal are separate issues and should be treated as such.
Fuck you, if you can't take a joke.