Mark Dean Schwab -- Death Penalty Blocked By Supreme Court
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Mark Dean Schwab's death penalty ruling was schedules to take place today and was blocked just a few hours before the schedules lethal drugs coursed through his veins.
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In America, we give rights to those who have forfeited their citizenship by murdering and raping children. We ride a fine line in this country by persecuting decent average citizens in aspects of their lives such as, their ability to choose what to put into their bodies and give a stay of execution to some piece of trash who decided to kidnap, rape and murder a small boy in Florida. This is a non issue of course.
The reason he gets a stay for the time being?
Someone is appealing the use of lethal injection. This comes from the rather lengthy lethal injection of an inmate in Florida a few years ago that sparked, then governor, Jeb Bush to revoke the death penalty in that state. It was reinstated by now governor of Florida Charlie Crist.
How can we justify allowing this disgusting human another day on this planet? How are we able to sleep at night knowing that we have decided a few minutes of pain isn't justifiable for the rape and murder of an 11 year old boy?
This man should be put in the gallows in the middle of that town and murdered by way of stones being thrown at his body. He should be raped with spikes of barbed wire until his skin is grey in color and he's not able to breathe.
His stay of execution is sickening. This man deserves to die in a crueler fashion than lethal injection but we're America, we're 'fair' even to those who do not deserve such fairness.