The Jena 6 and Me
Saturday, November 10, 2007
So it's been a few months since the JENA 6 broke the news and I decided that I would take some time to reflect and cool down on this subject before tackling it with full force. During this time Jason Whitlock has offered some serious perspective on the issues at hand from the view point of an African American leader. (It is of my own opinion that he is indeed a leader) You can find his articles here and here.
My main problem with the entire Jena 6 fiasco is simple.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have once again found it their duty to 'go national' and spew their ignorant diatribes about black inequality in a case that they do not understand.
I sympathize with the 6 boys who were facing attempted murder charges. I don't think it fits the crime at hand but I do understand that a 6 on 1 fight that leaves a kid beaten and bloody on a sidewalk could very well be construed as attempted murder.
Jesse and Al got the call one morning and they decided to jump on a plane and do what they do best. Painting a picture of these kids as if they were model citizens who just got a bad break. Not 6 bullies who happened to get caught when they savagely beat another student. They decided to once again show that they're not about equal rights, they're about blacks rights superseding the rights of true victims of crime.
They also showed this in the infamous Duke Lacrosse rape scandal when they rallied behind the Black Community College stripped who was down on her luck and only stripping to get through community college. Again the master painters said she received the wrong end of the stick and was 'viciously raped' by these up scale white lacrosse players. Negating any chance that these kids had to proceed with their side of the case (which was ultimately the factual side). Nope, there is no truth only what you make the truth.
You see the problem I have with the Jena 6 is only those who have decided to take the forefront of all African American injustices in America. I'm not denying that there are not injustices that happen based upon peoples races. I am contending that the people whom decide to take the moral stand in these cases (Jesse and Al) have cried wolf too many times.
You see as a moderately intelligent person, I know that certain peoples opinions have varied weights. When these two geniuses decided to start attacking every single issue as if it were life or death, as if the very pinnacle of black existence in America hung in the balance, they set back the equality between black and white 20 years. You can not trust these people to offer a fair and balanced approach to anything as they've decided all actions true and untrue should be attacked with ferocity enough to destroy those in opposition. This isn't bad when you understand the issue and know who you're dealing with. However, it is dangerous when you only know a few key facts and decide that the mass media will help you cover up those eye sores that are ultimately truth.
I think the entire African American nation should stand up and tell Jesse/Al to eat a big bag of penis. They do not represent you in a way that will benefit you. They represent you in a way that will benefit their own self righteous behavior.
Fuck you, Al Sharpton. Fuck you, Jesse Jackson. The purveyors of injustice, the benefactors of social inequality.