Forrest Griffin Wins UFC 86
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Forrest Griffin just beat Quinton Rampage Jackson in UFC 86 in a stand up battle that was only seriously taken to the ground, one time. That exchange ended in Griffin with full mount pounding Jacksons face into the ground for the last minute of the round.
Griffin, the winner of The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) Season 1 has legitimatized The Ultimate Fighter Series and I don't think Dana White could be any happier at this moment. His brain child, the reality series TUF has a champion at 205 after beating the two best 205lbers in the world, in a row.
Can you script this any better?
WEC 34 Destiny (Faber vs Pulver) Torrent
Monday, June 2, 2008
If you missed last nights epic battle between Jens Pulver and Urijah Faber, you need to have your head examined. Or at least download the TORRENT
WEC 34 Destiny was everything that CBS FightNight May 31st had hoped to be. It was all action, all the time from a card that was damn good. Especially for cable television.
Urijah Faber vs. Jens Pulver
Miguel Torres vs. Yoshiro Maeda
Chuck Grigsby vs. Mark Munoz
Kenneth Alexander vs. Rob McCullough
Donald Cerrone vs. Danny Castillo
Torres vs Maeda is an epic fight as is Pulver vs Faber. I won't spoil it for those of you who read the blog and don't want to know what happened in the MMA world just one day ago. I will say, you will not be disappointed.
Furthermore, I would like to express my utter lack of excitement for CBS FightNight to happen again. Headlining Kimbo Slice, a man that wouldn't know MMA if Bas Ruten trained him (oh wait) in the first ever PrimeTime network cable slot, was just a bad call. Headlining him versus a scrub ass "Colossus" and making the entire production feel like a lackluster "RollerDerby" from the 1970's was not exactly what MMA fans or anyone with a fucking brain would like to see. Frank Shamrock was a good call but he's not an announcer. The rest of the calls, the dancing girls, the guys being led out from a WWE style entryway, all of these things just make MMA look (to the average person) like a spectacle of entertainment. As if these fighters haven't put tireless hours into their art and like the entire thing is set up. Remember if you have to say it's real, most people will assume that it's not.
So thank you CBS and EliteXC for sucking so badly and ruining what Zuffa has worked so hard to build.
Emma Watson - Upskirt
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
HA! I love celebrity upskirting, especially when it's barely legal teenage ass that starred in Harry Potter as Hermione Granger. I'm not sure if this is deplorable or amazing, but I'm sure that God is smiling either way. Here you get a glimpse of Emma Watson (Hermione Granger in Harry Potter) as she gets out of her vehicle. BAM! Unshaven snatch galore. I wonder if the Brits know that they should shave that shit. I think the British have regular vaginas (unlike those unsightly sideways chinese vaginas) you'd assume a mega star, 18 year old girl would know that a bush just isn't attractive.
None the less, here's Emma Watson's vagina for all to see.
Labels: emma watson, Hermione Granger, pussy, snatch, upskirt
Louisiana Tech Shooting -- 3 dead
Friday, February 8, 2008
Baton Rouge police say a young woman killed two female students in a classroom at a vo-tech college, then killed herself.
He says the first two women killed apparently were in their seats in the second-floor classroom.
The incident occurred Friday shortly after 8:30 a.m. Kelly says Baton Rouge police got many cellphone calls saying people had been shot.
It has been reported by MSNBC that all three people involved were nursing students at LTech.
Giants Beat Patriots! 17-14 Superbowl XLII
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Superbowl XLII is over and the Giants beat the Patriots (18-1) with Eli Manning leading the way in the 4th quarter with just 2:34 seconds left.
Manning eluded being sacked twice, was nearly picked off 3 separate times and still managed to drive 86 yards during the game winning drive to stop history in it's tracks.
Eli Manning has come of age and stole Tom Brady's chance at greatness with one single stroke of mediocre quarterbacking.
The game went back and forth, with neither team having a major advantage at any given time.
Ultimately, the game wasn't really the story that I had hoped for, nor were the commercials. It was a subpar weekend, with a subpar game, subpar commercials and an all around shitty time.
Someone should buy Eli a beer for spoiling the greatest season, with the greatest team that has ever played American Football.
Labels: eli manning, game winning drive, giants, patriots, superbowl
Miley Cyrus Myspace Photos Leaked -- Hannah Montana is a whore
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Well, I'm glad her parents taught her to be an attention whore. I'm sure her dad had a good hand in this. Fuck you Billy Ray. Here's your 15 year old daughter showing how likely it is she'll be turning into Britney Spears. May god be with you all. (assuming you backward, uneducated, hillbilly fucked believe in metaphysics)
American Gladiator -- Alex "Militia" Castro Linked to Gay Porn
Monday, January 7, 2008
Last night NBC launched the revived series American Gladiators and other than the 'reality' style filming, turned out to be some of the best comedy on television.
In case you missed the action here it is summed up in a few key points.
- The interviews are scripted
- Bad acting and storyline
- The camer work is shoddy at best
- Helga placed 3rd in the 2001 Worlds Strongest Woman Competition
- Militia happens to be a former GAY PORN ACTOR
- It's hilarious and college kids love hilarious shit.
- We're waiting until Militia unleashes his cock on a contestant in the deep throat competition that is scheduled for late spring.